
Epstein barr virus and autoimmunity connection
Epstein barr virus and autoimmunity connection

Most of the time this infection stays latent and does not cause any symptoms, however, flare-up happens when conditions are optimum, nutritional deficiencies, toxic accumulation, emotional trauma, excessive stress, radiation exposure, pesticides, herbicides mold illness, 

EBV is the most common infection we humans face from childhood only.

Most of the time this infection stays latent and does not cause any symptoms, however, flare-up happens when conditions are optimum, nutritional deficiencies, toxic accumulation, emotional trauma, excessive stress, radiation exposure, pesticides, herbicides mold illness, etc…Extreme stress or a major life-changing event such as divorce, death of close one,  menopause, etc… may be particularly susceptible to the reactivation of the virus. While reactivation does not always present with symptoms, one may experience fatigue, aching muscles and joints, swollen lymph nodes, and other flu-like symptoms. People with weakened immune systems are more likely to develop symptoms when EBV reactivates. Conventional medical practitioners rarely look for EBV as the underlying cause of illness as the patient is often asymptomatic of the virus. Yet, a person suffering from a thyroid condition, auto-immune disorder, or cancer likely had a case of mono back in the college days that never really left their system. It just took up a new residence within the body and started causing more serious problems. And it is not just mono, but shingles, herpes, and a myriad of other viruses.

autoimmunity risks are higher in patients with EBV and flare-ups are associated with immunocompromised conditions, best is to prevent these flare-ups by living a balanced lifestyle and looking at stress reduction, detoxification, taking high dose Vitamin C, Intravenous Ozone therapy, Cats claw, Cilantro, Ginger, etc.

Dr. Kalpana Shekhawat M.D.

Functional & Metabolic Medicine Specialist


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