
Know your food intolerances, why?
Know your food intolerances, why?

It’s been observed in our set up while screening our patients for various chronic ailments,  food Intolerance is on the rise.

The underlying cause for this condition is damaged gut lining due to the ingestion of non-food substances ( chemicals, preservatives, GMO foods, excessive intake of grains), damaged gut microbiome due to frequent intake of antibiotics, stress and erratic sleeping patterns.

It’s been observed in our set up while screening our patients for various chronic ailments,  food Intolerance is on the rise.

The underlying cause for this condition is damaged gut lining due to the ingestion of non-food substances ( chemicals, preservatives, GMO foods, excessive intake of grains), damaged gut microbiome due to frequent intake of antibiotics, stress and erratic sleeping patterns.

When food intolerance is developed to any food substance we are consuming, it leads to further deterioration of the gut lining and also causes various chronic diseases.

these food substances raise the level of IgG antibodies and lead to a constant inflammatory reaction inside the body.

Symptoms of food intolerance can be :



Inability to lose weight

Autoimmune reactions

Frequent Diarrhea/Constipation

Brain Fog

Mood swings

Dry Skin

Hair fall

Anxiety issues

Disturbed sleep


If one does not test their food intolerances and continues to consume food thats causing damage to the gut and constant reaction in the body, one is headed to various chronic diseases including cancer.

We at Freedom age have extensive Food Intolerance testing from a highly reputed Functional Medicine Laboratory. This test enables you to know your food Intolerances to take corrective preventive measures well in time!

Dr. Kalpana Shekhawat M.D.

Functional Medicine Specialist

Founder & Chairperson FMMA


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