Clinical Nutrition

Clinical Nutrition
Clinical Nutrition

This module gives you deep perspective into the basics of Nutrition. It asserts in great details about the role played by Macro and Micronutrients in our metabolic pathways, Inflammation, and non-Inflammatory food products, food to eat and avoid, recommended optimum intake of the nutrients, Vitamin deficiencies and their impact on health and diseases. It discusses each vitamin and mineral in great detail, explaining their individual role in metabolic reactions at various levels. It gives you guidelines on optimum daily intake and risks associated with toxicity and deficiencies.

It sets out great details about inflammation control, the role of inflammation in chronic diseases, foods which can help in regulating  inflammatory reactions etc...

It discusses how to create an alkaline lifestyle for prevention of various diseases, it explores the underlying causes of weight loss obstacles and how to address them. It gives you insight into the nutrition supplementation, a broad category of nutrition supplements and their role in various chronic lifestyle disease prevention and treatment. It finally also gives you details about some anti-aging secrets viz. how to be a Centenarian. It winds up with some interesting article about sugar conspiracy.